Me too

Posted: December 3, 2009 by fievel in Labels: ,

Seelan Palay has announced on his blog that he will not be observing the cooling-off period "proposal".
Just for the record, I'm not going to either. And I do so with full expectation that my "anonymity is an illusion", to quote our dear PAP Minister Vivian Balakrishnan.

"Anonymity in cyberspace is an illusion. You will remember in 2007, we prosecuted three persons under the Sedition Act because of the blogs they put up which denigrated the religion of one of our communities in Singapore. " - Vivian Balakrishnan

May many more bloggers raise their fingers of integrity in unison.



  1. Me three.

    Though, as Skeptic pointed out, I may actually have a higher chance of getting in trouble because I am "in the open" :P